Gas Extraction Incompatible with Paris and the Climate Change Act

In the knowledge that Phase B of the licence awarded to Crogga in 2018 to explore for fossil fuels in the Isle of Man seabed was coming to an end at the end of 2021, and it being understood that if certain obligations had not been met by Crogga the licence would expire and automatically cease, the Green Party wrote on 14 December 2021 (see here) to each Minister of the Council of Ministers, including the Chief Minister, setting out cogent reasons why the licence should not be extended.

The Green Party’s letter set out the realities of how climate change is impacting the Isle of Man, including the increasing prevalence of droughts, extreme rainfall, and erosion from a more volatile and expanding Irish sea.  It is clearly stated by the relevant science that extreme climate change in the Isle of Man and elsewhere is being caused by carbon emissions, that the consequences of the same will be hugely damaging to our community and communities globally, and that we must urgently decarbonise and transition to renewable forms of energy.  Gas is a high carbon fuel that is contributing to extreme climate change; accordingly, the Government should be introducing policies to reduce its use in order to protect our island community.

The Green Party stated to the Council of Ministers that any extension of the licence by the Department of Infrastructure would be in direct contradiction to the Government’s commitments, amongst other things, in respect of the United Nations Paris Agreement, to undertake efforts to keep global heating to 1.5°C, and the Government’s climate change duties pursuant to the Climate Change Act 2021.  Furthermore, the Green Party considered that it would fly in the face of the principles of the UNESCO Biosphere status of the island.

In view of the news on 21 December 2021 that a four-month extension had been granted to Crogga, the Isle of Man Green Party wrote on 4 January 2022 to the Honourable Tim Crookall MHK, Minister for Infrastructure, asking for an explanation of why the extension was granted and for confirmation of the weight (if any) that was placed on the content of the Green Party’s previous letter of 14 December 2021, in particular the duty on the Government under section 21 of the Climate Change Act 2021, which includes the Government taking into account:

a.      the meeting of the net zero emissions target by the net zero emissions target year;

b.      the meeting of any interim target;

c.      supporting the just transition principles and the climate justice principle;

d.      sustainable development, including the achievement of the United Nations sustainable development goals; and

e.      protecting and enhancing biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services

To date the Green Party has not received a response from the Minister to that letter.

Given the promises of action that emanated from the members of this Government in the 2021 election, the Green Party hopes that the Government will now take decisive action to end the licence in its entirety upon the expiry of the extension, and immediately commence the much needed investment in renewable energy.

The Isle of Man Green Party is a registered political party building a sustainable vision for the future of the Isle of Man. Further information can be found on the Party’s website and via email at