Falk Horning, GREEN PARTY CANDIDATE IN DOUGLAS North - local election (2021)

The Isle of Man Green Party is a registered political party running political candidates to lead sustainable change for the Isle of Man.

Falk Horning is the Secretary of the Green Party and is a current Douglas Borough Councillor in Murrays Ward (now Douglas North).  Falk is the Chair of the Woodland Trust, Chair of Volleyball Isle of Man,  a member of the Isle of Man Friends of the Earth, and Treasurer of Zero Waste Mann.

Of his election campaign, Falk said: 

“One of my central aims will be to increase the town’s recycling rate to safeguard our natural world and stop throwing money in the incinerator. We also want a vibrant Douglas town centre so an eye needs to be kept on planning, encouraging active travel and public transport. 

The council provides a wide spectrum of public services and whenever decisions are to be made, costs should be carefully scrutinised.”

Read more about the Isle of Man Green Party Principles here.


Email: cllr.fhorning@douglas.gov.im

Number: 01624 623548

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/falk.horning


Published by A.Langan-Newton, 2 The Lhargan, Port St Mary. Isle of Man. IM9 5AR