With the objective of transforming the Green Party so that we are organised and provisioned to achieve the ultimate goal of a sustainable Island, whilst also creating opportunities for members, the Committee has four action groups with the following Chairs:

    •    Comms Chair: - comms@greenparty.im

    •    Policy: policy@greenparty.im

    •    Admin Chair: - membership@greenparty.im

    •    Events: events@greenparty.im 



(i) Engage members with opportunity to assist Party.

(ii) Diversify, expand and increase our research and production of Party policies.

(iii) Produce a comprehensive policy portfolio to benefit the future of the Isle of Man which the Party will campaign on and attract supporters.

-Invite members to join committee.

- Identify, research, and produce policies (to be voted on and adopted by members) to fulfil the principles of the Party.

- Curate communication tools and host online and physical meetings to facilitate the production of policies.

Email: policy@greenparty.im

ADMIN - Vacant

Chair:  membership@greenparty.im


(i) Organise and distribute the core administration of membership and regulatory obligations to improve efficiency and productivity.

(ii) Ensure data protection and confidentiality obligations are respected.


-Carry out the administration of the Party, including managing the membership list, the Party bank account, expenses of the Party, and regulatory obligations.

-Identify, implement, and promote policies that will improve the functioning of Party administration.

-Make recommendations to the Executive Committee.

Email: membership@greenparty.im



(i) Engage members with opportunity to assist Party.

(ii) Curate a more collaborative and collegiate community in the Party.

(iii) Attract and engage current and future audience throughout the island building a physical presence as well as educating and expanding networks.

-Invite members to join committee.

-Arrange and organise meetings throughout the Island to engage with and hear from members and the public on the important issues of our time.

-Arrange and organise social and socially beneficial events to build community and show leadership.

Email: events@greenparty.im 



(i) Engage members with opportunity to assist Party.

(ii) Diversify and innovate our comms strategy and delivery with new ideas and more resources.

(iii) Attract and engage current and future audience.


-Invite members to join committee.

-Manage and coordinate publicity and comms via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Tik Tok, Youtube, GreenParty.im website.

-Design and publish comms campaigns on policies, publicity, events, other campaigns and points of interest.

Contact: comms@greenparty.im