Green Party Policy: Delivering Democracy

The Isle of Man is said to be the oldest continuous parliament in the world, and to be the first nation to give women the vote in a general election. Despite those claims indicating an advanced, mature democracy, the Isle of Man Green Party belives that there is much development that should take place in our political institutions to improve the proper functioning and good governance of the Isle of Man.

In August 2023. Isle of Man Green Party members voted to adopt its ‘Deliverying Democracy’ policy document, setting the Party’s vision for:

  1. What it desired to achieve in the political system;

  2. Why it desired to achieve the change; and,

  3. How it desired to implement the change.

To transform our governance system to be more dynamic, diverse, inclusive, responsive, participatory, deliberative, transparent, and accountable, the Green Party will implement (amongst other things) a stronger separation between MHKs and government, will make future generations a consideration in decision making, introduce a proportional voting system, give petitions legal powers, and change the role of the Speaker of the House of Keys.

You can find a link to the full policy chapter HERE.